Friday, June 8, 2012

Will The Liberty Movement Fracture?

The Liberty Movement is at a crossroads.  On one hand, we have those looking for a new leader to march the movement forward.  These people know that Ron Paul will not always be there to carry the enormous weight of leading the movement, and they will eventually need a new voice to coalesce behind.  The problem they're having is that no one seems to fit the bill.  Some have suggested Rand Paul, but after his recent endorsement of Mitt Romney, they feel that they've been betrayed.  Others have suggested that Judge Andrew Napolitano could take up the reigns.  It's a possibility, to be sure, but is he even interested?

On the other hand, some believe that the movement is ready to move beyond having leaders and become an organization all to itself, much like the Tea Party (which is nothing like it used to be).  The problem is that organizations can be taken over by people who don't have the same ideals in mind.  The Tea Party, which many would argue wouldn't even be a thing without Ron Paul, has been co-opted to the point that most of the Republican establishment say that they're now a part of the Tea Party.

"You betcha, mundanes."

Then there are those that believe that it's time to play the game of politics.  Concede some things to progress the ultimate goals of liberty.  Many believe Rand is of this group.  Rand Paul is a great politician (which is in no way a compliment) as he is not at all ideological.  He doesn't educate, nor does he attempt to win in the battle of ideas like his father.  He plays the game.  

I think those who want to see the Liberty Movement go on need to mend these fractures.  I also believe that a competent speaker and believer in liberty is needed to move us forward.  Rand is not this person.  As I said before, he doesn't educate.  Most of America still hasn't come to grasp of what this nation could really be.  We need someone (or perhaps multiple people) out there, speaking in front of large crowds, rallying the troops from one city to another.  We need someone to educate people of personal liberty, limited government, and just wars.

But we also need organization.  We need to form a more solidified list of goals.  Do we want to change or end the Federal Reserve?  What plan should be in place after either of those happen?  Which federal laws need to be repealed?  What needs to be done about education and healthcare?  What needs to be done about foreign aid?  The list goes on and on.

And we will have to play politics.  It's a dirty game, folks.  We'll have to elect leaders that believe what we believe, but we also have to elect people that can get things done, even if it is inch by inch.  You're not going to agree with anyone on everything, but it's important to at least move in the right direction.  People went psycho when Congressman Amash voted for increased foreign aid to Israel.  However, if you look at his other votes, he votes to move the cause of liberty forward.

Inch by inch.

So please, don't continue to fracture this movement.  Let us come together in common purpose.  This country needs this movement.  We can't give up on it yet.  I urge all of you to sit down and really examine what you want, and then we can come together to figure out the best way to make it happen.

Don't give up.  Don't give in.  Our time is now.  Let's do it.

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