Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Two Reasons Why Democracy Is a Stupid Idea

I watched a clip of a Wisconsinite who tells the interviewer that "democracy died" because Scott Walker was, once again, voted Governor of the state.  I hope democracy is forever dead, since it is a terrible, terrible form of government.  Here's why:

1. People Are F*cking Retarded
I say retarded using the second definition of the word for all of you politically correct folks out there.  This video is the best representation of why the general population should not govern themselves.  A person can be swayed by simply switching a word for another word that means the same damn thing.  Example time!

Ex. 1: Do you like going to publicly-owned parks?
Ex. 2: Do you like going to government-owned parks?

See?  Both of those sentences mean the same thing, but I guarantee if you were trying to get someone to say yes, you'd be much better off saying "publicly", as people don't readily identify it with the evils of government.

"Please give me wisdom to not be such a dumbass"
Whenever we go to war, you hear the enemy called something so that you don't feel like they're a human being anymore.  You hear words like "terrorist," and "insurgent".  Tell me, which of these sounds worse:

-Today, US troops killed nine Iraqi insurgents.
-Today, US troops killed nine Iraqi civilians.

"Whoa," you may be saying, "insurgents and civilians are totally different!"  Well, that's why you're a fucking moron.  You think we were fighting an army over there?  We beat the army in the first week.  Who the hell do you think we've been killing all this time?  Which brings us to...

2. The News LIES To Us
It's difficult for the public to make a sane decision when the people who are feeding us information are corrupt.  Watch this video where Jon Stewart points out how blatantly the media omits Congressman Ron Paul from... well, pretty much everything.  In fact, if you've been watching the news lately, you've probably heard that Mitt Romney is running against Barack Obama.  Please refer to point number one, and turn off your television set.  The truth is, Romney is still running against Paul, as the primaries aren't even over yet.

Regardless of how you feel about Malcolm X, I think he said it best when he said, "The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”

"And that proves that gnomes are, indeed, behind it all."
So where are you supposed to get clear, unbiased news?  I guarantee most of you just said "the Internet".  Refer to point one, please.

There is no such thing as unbiased news, just like there is no such thing as unbiased history.  News and history are made by those who write about it.  Think about the last couple of weeks.  What news story sticks in your head the most?  Is it the story about the naked man eating the other naked man's face off in Florida?  Now what word do you associate with this story?  Is it zombie?  Wanna know why?  Here.  Here. Here. And here.

Look, I don't have all the answers, but if you really want to stop being an idiot about politics and everything else in the world, the first step to recovery is turning the television set off.  The second step is to realize that our form of government is a republic, not a democracy.  There's probably a twelve step program, but I'm fairly certain these are the first two steps, though.


  1. Just a point - Republic and Democratic governments are not mutually exclusive, because to have a Republic (representation) you must have some form of voting (democratic). A republic is much better than a democracy, since 50% + 1 majority will no longer have all the power. However, a representative democracy is no more viable when the level of corruption stretches this far - as you've stated very beautifully in your article.

    1. Of course, I'm completely ignoring the classic Republics (super rich white folk collecting rent from peasants to the King, and keeping commission), but you get the point :P
